How To Choose A Gold IRA Company

If one is contemplating investing in a Gold IRA but is uncertain about how to proceed, this comprehensive guide intends to delve into the nuances of Gold IRA companies, the advantages of investing in a Gold IRA, and the key factors to consider when selecting the most suitable company.

This guide will address various aspects such as reputation, fees, investment options, and customer service to equip individuals with the necessary information to make a well-informed decision.

The objective is to provide insight into how individuals can safeguard their financial future by establishing a Gold IRA account.

What is a Gold IRA Company?

A Gold IRA company specializes in helping with individuals in establishing and overseeing their Gold Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), offering services that encompass investing in precious metals such as gold, custodial management, and secure storage solutions.

If you are looking for the best gold IRA companies there are many options around the web.

The process of setting up a gold IRA account with these companies typically involves a straightforward approach where the individual initiates a self-directed IRA specifically designated for investing in gold and other approved precious metals. Custodial services play a critical role in protecting the assets held within the IRA, ensuring adherence to IRS regulations. As a result, it is imperative to choose a reputable company with a demonstrated history and expertise in managing gold IRAs to guarantee a secure and successful retirement investment strategy.

These companies present a variety of investment alternatives in precious metals, including gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, which serve to diversify one’s retirement portfolio and potentially offer a safeguard against economic uncertainties.

Why Should You Consider Investing in a Gold IRA?

The decision to invest in a Gold IRA presents a range of advantages, such as portfolio diversification, safeguarding against economic uncertainty, and the potential for sustained financial stability and growth.

By incorporating gold into one’s retirement investment strategy, the distribution of risk across various asset classes occurs, thereby mitigating the impact of market volatility on the overall savings. Historically, gold has functioned as a hedge against inflation, serving as a stable store of value that typically maintains or increases in worth during challenging economic circumstances. The integration of a Gold IRA into one’s investment portfolio can offer a level of security that may not be achievable through traditional stocks and bonds.

It is recommended to seek guidance from financial advisors to ensure that one’s gold investments are aligned with their retirement objectives and risk tolerance levels.

What to Look for in a Gold IRA Company?

When choosing a gold IRA company, it is imperative to assess various factors such as their reputation, level of experience, fee structure, quality of customer service, and adherence to industry standards and IRS regulations. This evaluation is crucial in establishing a reliable and reputable partnership.

1. Reputation and Experience

The reputation and experience of a gold IRA company are key indicators of its reliability and proficiency in effectively managing retirement investments.

Evaluating a company’s reputation and experience involves a thorough examination of its track record, which can illuminate its past performance. Reviews from credible sources also offer valuable insights into the experiences of previous clients and aid in comprehending the level of satisfaction they have attained. Monitoring the company’s position in market trends can provide an indication of its standing within the industry. When it pertains to the management of gold IRAs, it is crucial to engage with a company that boasts a proven track record of successfully handling such investments.

2. Fees and Storage Costs

Comprehending the fees and storage costs associated with a gold IRA company is imperative to ensure transparency and avoid any unforeseen charges that could potentially impact investment returns.

Gold IRAs typically entail a range of fees that investors should have knowledge of. One prevalent fee is the account setup fee, which is levied by certain companies to establish the client’s account. Storage fees play a vital role as they encompass the expenses linked to storing the physical gold in a secure facility. Additionally, custodial fees should be taken into consideration, as they pertain to the services rendered by the custodian overseeing the management of the gold assets. It is crucial to seek out a company that provides clear and transparent pricing structures to mitigate any unexpected surprises.

In the process of evaluating different companies, it is advisable to diligently inquire about all potential fees and gain a comprehensive understanding of how they might influence the overall investment portfolio.

3. Investment Options

A reputable gold IRA company should provide a range of investment options, which may include gold coins and bars, to aid in the diversification of an investor’s portfolio.

Gold coins and bars serve as popular selections for investors seeking to incorporate physical gold into their portfolios. Gold coins are often favored for their aesthetic appeal and historical significance, whereas gold bars are esteemed for their purity and convenient storage capabilities.

In the context of gold investments for retirement planning, it is imperative to construct a diversified portfolio encompassing a blend of assets such as stocks, bonds, and potentially real estate. This diverse mix can effectively mitigate risks and offer consistent returns over an extended period.

4. Customer Service and Support

Outstanding customer service and support are essential factors to consider when engaging with a gold IRA company, as they ensure timely resolution of inquiries and efficient account management.

Responsive and well-informed customer service significantly contributes to the effective administration of a gold IRA. When assessing a company’s customer support, it is important to seek prompt responses, clear communication, and a sincere willingness to provide assistance. This level of support becomes particularly critical during the IRA rollover process, where expert guidance can help prevent costly errors or delays.

Continuous account management necessitates a proactive team that diligently monitors market trends and keeps clients informed about their investment performance. A dependable support system not only cultivates trust but also guarantees a seamless and lucrative gold IRA experience.

How to Choose the Right Gold IRA Company for You?

Selecting the appropriate gold IRA company requires a comprehensive analysis and comparison of various companies, reviewing customer feedback and testimonials, soliciting guidance from financial advisors, and evaluating your investment objectives and risk tolerance.

1. Research and Compare Companies

Commence the process by conducting thorough research and conducting comparisons among various gold IRA companies using credible sources, online reviews, and ratings to discern the most dependable options.

It is imperative to assess the online presence of gold IRA companies as a means of gathering pertinent information regarding their background, array of services, and feedback from customers. Analyzing ratings and reviews from impartial sources can offer valuable insights into the company’s standing and levels of customer satisfaction.

The evaluation of services provided by different companies, encompassing aspects like fees, storage alternatives, and customer support, can facilitate the selection of a company that best aligns with one’s investment objectives and preferences.

Through the utilization of reputable sources for information, investors can make well-informed decisions and ensure the safeguarding of their investments within gold IRAs.

2. Read Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Examining customer reviews and testimonials can yield valuable insights into the credibility and standing of a gold IRA company.

Investors considering their options can acquire a deeper comprehension of the company’s client interactions and issue resolution processes by dedicating time to review reading. Favorable reviews commonly emphasize exceptional customer service, prompt communication, and a seamless investment experience. Conversely, negative feedback can serve as a cautionary signal regarding potential concerns like undisclosed fees, sluggish response rates, or unprofessional conduct.

It is imperative to seek reviews from impartial platforms such as Trustpilot, BBB, or specialized investment forums, as these sources are less susceptible to bias or manipulation. When evaluating reviews, it is advisable to focus on recurring trends rather than singular incidents, as this approach facilitates a more comprehensive assessment of the company’s overall performance.

3. Ask for Recommendations from Financial Advisors

Seeking guidance from a financial advisor can offer you personalized recommendations tailored to your specific investment strategy based on their industry expertise.

Financial advisors play a crucial role in providing valuable insights into the nuances of investing in gold IRAs, aiding you in navigating the complexities of the market with confidence. Their knowledge can assist you in evaluating the credibility and standing of various gold IRA companies, ensuring that you make well-informed decisions.

By capitalizing on the expertise of a financial advisor, you can optimize your investment portfolio and potentially enhance your returns in the long term. Furthermore, these professionals can provide customized advice that aligns with your financial objectives and risk tolerance, resulting in a more secure and diversified investment approach.

4. Consider Your Investment Goals and Risk Tolerance

When selecting a gold IRA company, it is imperative to carefully assess your investment goals and risk tolerance to align your strategy with your retirement objectives and guarantee sustained financial stability.

The process of evaluating investment goals entails defining the desired outcomes of your investments, be it saving for retirement, generating passive income, or diversifying your portfolio. Equally significant is the understanding of risk tolerance, which enables you to measure the level of volatility and potential loss you are willing to endure. By thoroughly evaluating these aspects, informed decisions can be made in choosing a gold IRA company that aligns with your requirements and complements your broader financial aims.

What Are the Steps to Open a Gold IRA Account?

The process of establishing a gold IRA account encompasses several pivotal steps, which include:

  1. Selecting a custodian
  2. Providing funding for the account
  3. Choosing appropriate investments
  4. Ensuring continuous account management in accordance with IRS regulations

1. Choose a Custodian

The initial step in establishing a gold IRA involves selecting an appropriate custodian. It is imperative to choose a reputable custodian that upholds industry standards and provides secure storage for your assets.

By opting for a reputable custodian, one ensures that their gold IRA is under safe and reliable management, thereby mitigating the risks associated with potential fraud or mismanagement. A trustworthy custodian typically boasts a strong industry reputation, supported by positive feedback from clients. Additionally, they offer secure storage solutions for physical gold, such as segregated or allocated storage, which further enhances protection against loss or theft.

When assessing custodians, it is advisable to consider various factors including their track record, quality of customer service, fee structure, and commitment to regulatory compliance.

2. Fund Your Account

Funding a gold IRA account can be accomplished either through an IRA rollover or by transferring existing retirement funds, both of which carry distinct tax implications.

An IRA rollover entails the transfer of funds from an existing retirement account to a self-directed IRA that permits investment in precious metals. This procedure is tax-exempt provided that the funds are transferred within a 60-day window.

Conversely, the direct transfer of existing retirement funds to a gold IRA involves a trustee-to-trustee transfer and eliminates any tax obligations. To ensure a seamless process, meticulous adherence to all IRS regulations is paramount, in addition to collaborating with a reputable gold IRA custodian capable of facilitating the transfer efficiently.

3. Select Your Investments

The selection of investments plays a crucial role in the establishment of a diversified gold IRA portfolio, with available options encompassing gold coins and bars.

In the realm of gold coins, investors frequently gravitate towards renowned selections such as the American Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf, or South African Krugerrand, appreciated for their high purity levels and easily recognizable designs. Conversely, gold bars offer adaptability concerning weight and size, catering to individuals seeking substantial investments.

It is imperative to align one’s choices with their investment strategy, whether it involves an emphasis on long-term growth, protection against inflation, or wealth preservation. Diversifying across various types of gold assets can assist in minimizing risk and optimizing the overall performance of the portfolio.

4. Monitor and Manage Your Account

It is imperative to regularly monitor and manage your gold IRA account to ensure that your investments are performing optimally and in alignment with current market trends. By staying abreast of market fluctuations and economic indicators, strategic adjustments can be made to your portfolio to capitalize on potential opportunities.

Financial advisors serve a pivotal role in aiding you in navigating the intricacies of the gold market and guiding your investment decisions. Leveraging their expertise can facilitate diversification of your holdings, risk mitigation, and ultimately, the maximization of returns on your gold IRA. Cultivating a robust relationship with a knowledgeable advisor can furnish you with a sense of security and trust in the administration of your retirement funds.

Is Investment a Debit or Credit?

Is Investment a Debit or Credit?

When you invest more money, your company’s assets (debt) grow while your equity (credit) increases (credit). Investment is a debit to the investor (credit). Investing money can be risky if you don’t know what you’re doing. Investing in a company, for example, could make your fair share in its profits seem smaller, while also increasing the amount of risk that is tied to your investments. Investments differ in their levels of risk depending on how they are structured — and it’s up to individual investors to decide how much risk they want to take.

Investors hope that over time their investments will appreciate and produce enough income for them so that they can retire comfortably, or so that they have enough money left over for other expenses like a child’s tuition or a major medical expense.

Investment is a debit because, in an investment, you are purchasing partial ownership of something. Your investment is your ownership.

Is Investment a Debit or Credit?

Investment is a credit because the cost of an investment (a stock, a bond, or some other form of investment) goes up as the market value increases. How can you tell if it’s a debit or a credit? Here’s one way: If the amount of money that you invest goes up over time, it’s a debit to you. If the amount of money that you invest goes down over time, it’s a credit to you.

Also, the debit amount reported by the stockbroker in an investor’s account indicates the cash value of transactions to the investor. In the margin requirement, the debit balance is the sum of money owed by the client to the stockbroker for cash loaned to acquire securities.

In the balance sheet of a company, the total assets are drawn from and added to the cash and investment in the balance sheet. These accounts are determined by two main financial activities: cash flow (derived from sales, or income) and investment. In a corporation, investments with long-term holding and risk are called equity investments.

In any business, cash flow differs between short-term money coming in to cover daily expenses and long-term investments that don’t produce income. So there is always a temporary balance between these two things on any periodical basis depending on the nature of the business that is being done or some other factors.

When a corporation invests, it is billed as a debit to a relevant investment account, and the credit amount is then added to the investment account. For example, an investment in a company that you own is recorded as a credit (ownership) to your stock holdings and a debit (investment) to an investment account.

Is Investment a Debit or Credit?

In personal finance, investments are generally long-term by definition. As in corporate finance, they are usually funded through debt or equity. Example: When an individual purchases shares using money borrowed from a brokerage, it is considered an equity investment because the shares themselves are now part of his assets; whereas if he purchases dividend-paying bonds from his bank register/deposit account, it is considered borrowing money and considered debt investment in this case. Investment is a debit because it increases the shareholder’s equity. The company’s assets grow, and the business has more money to operate in the short term.

Investment is a debit because it does not lower a company’s liabilities or owner’s equity but rather increases them. The company has made a commitment to pay back a dividend. The corporation is responsible for this debt and it would have to be considered an asset.

Investment is a debit because you are purchasing partial ownership in something, and accounts receivable are an asset that you’ve loaned money to another person or company, who then pays you back (debit). Also because the cost of an investment increases as the market value increases, usually increasing the investor’s equity. For example, if you paid $100 for stock but sell that stock 5 years later at $150, your equity has increased by $50.

Investment income for an individual is at times taxable per his/her country of residence. If you live in America, you have to pay taxes on your investments, whereas if you live in India there are no tax consequences. The real cost of a bond is its value multiplied by the coupon (interest rate) paid on the bond. If a bond has a 5% coupon, then it is selling at $100.00 and its value is $50.00. Therefore, you must pay $2.50 for every $100 you owe in interest.

For a corporate business, this ratio of price to value is only ever one-year-old money, or one-year-old equity plus any cash that has been made or borrowed into the business’s bank account or cash reserves over the previous 12 months before when the bond was sold (and not necessarily received).

What Are the 5 Sources of Funds?

What Are the 5 Sources of Funds?

When working with your sources of funds, it is essential to use a source that offers their perspective on the project. If you are looking for feedback on your project, it is necessary to have specific feedback during the process. For example, conducting surveys will be imperative if you are a business owner looking to start up or expand and need some market research. Understanding what source to use for your project can be challenging but vital if you want respect from peers and others interested in your work. In some cases, there are more sources available than others, and in those cases, it can be more helpful to go with what you know rather than being adventurous and using something that may or may not get the response you were looking for. It can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort on something only to see that it fails once it hits the market. It takes a great deal of sweat to make a project come to fruition but staying motivated when something needs to be improved as well as you would be difficult. Losing hope is a common occurrence when trying to create a successful project. There are several ways we can help keep our projects going, whether they become successful or not. Here are five sources of funds.

What Are the 5 Sources of Funds?

Personal Investment or Personal Savings

This is the most obvious of the money resources. In this case, the money you invest is yours, and you don’t need approval from any agency or organization. You don’t have to pay your business taxes either, which can be a bonus if you only have the capital for a project that will be taxed anyway (if it’s not going to be a charity or non-profit). You need to afford the costs associated with creating your business and products. There are two types of personal investment. One is to fund a project you want to create, whether making an album or starting a business. The other is for a client or customer who wants you to make something, like designing their website or a book cover.

Friends and Family

This is the same as your investment. The only difference is that you have friends or family members who invest in your projects. This could be a sum of money or the provision of products or parts for the project. This eliminates the need to do market research because you can always get paid for selling something back to your family. This is also an excellent way to tell people what you are doing and connect with them emotionally.

Venture Capital

Getting this form of investment can be challenging, especially if you are starting a project with little or no chance of making money. Venture capitalists bet on ideas that have a good chance of success, which is why they call them “ventures.” They know what they are doing in this area and have a lot of experience with projects like yours. They fund your project and get the first rights to purchase your products at a predetermined price. They may also take an interest in your project if you have the right idea.

What Are the 5 Sources of Funds?

Commercial Bank Loans and Overdrafts.

Getting one of these loans is pretty straightforward, but you must keep track of your expenditures and the agreements you have made. It’s a good idea to get other funding sources to make backup plans in case things go differently. Banks are great for getting loans and doing paperwork, but what can be better is talking with a friend or family member if you run into an unexpected problem. They can fill in the blanks if you know what they are doing and are good at it.

Credit Cards

Using a credit card can be very beneficial when funding projects, but in some cases, getting more than one is more effective. It’s essential to keep track of your expenses on a credit card and what percentage of your payment goes towards interest payments. You must also keep your debt from growing since interest will accumulate unless you pay off the balance each month. This means you must be cautious about how much you borrow and why. For example, if your business is doing well and generating lots of income, you should consider a business credit card. This will help with cash flow and reduce the interest paid each month. You can get these cards from the business department at any bank if you still need to get one through them. If everything seems to be in order, they may also increase your credit limit, which can help get more projects done. Using these cards responsibly to pay off your debt, keeping your payments up, and paying the minimum balance required each month, can help you get back on track.

All of this is based on what you want to do with your projects, but in general, it is essential to check out other funding options, whether from family or friends or from a commercial bank. There are ways to get money for projects, and excellent benefits can come from using any of the above sources.

What Are the 4 Types of Finance?

What Are the 4 Types of Finance?

Life is unpredictable and financial stability can be a constant struggle. To make matters worse, the world of finance can seem downright sinister at times, and it’s full of people peddling investment schemes, insurance policies, and credit cards with hidden fees. Finance is the study of money and the financial institutions, instruments, and markets involved in capital allocation. It encompasses everything from stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to insurance, mortgages, and retirement planning. Finance often feels like a maze that leads from one dead-end to another. The good news is there is a way out of the labyrinth. You can find a path to financial stability and independence by understanding finance basics. At its core, finance comprises four simple elements: credit, savings, investments, and insurance. There are four basic types of finance, each of which differs in the area they cover and the services they provide. Despite their differences, all four types of finance are linked by a common goal: helping individuals create a secure financial future. With an understanding of basic economic concepts, these goals can be achieved.

Public Finance

Public finance is a branch of economics dealing with the financial resources of a public sector and the effects of government policies on these resources. The public sector includes an array of government agencies and organizations that operate within their respective budgets to deliver services for the general welfare of citizens. Public finance is the study in which governments raise money through taxation or by selling bonds, T-bills, and other debt instruments. Governments can also increase revenue by borrowing money and spending it on spending. Governments, individuals, and businesses use savings to ensure that long-term investments are made. Public finance is one of the oldest fields of economics because it deals with government resources.

What Are the 4 Types of Finance?

Private Finance

In private finance, an individual engages in transactions to buy contracts or commodities, such as shares of stock or real estate, and sell them in the future to earn a profit or avoid losses. The trades of individuals and companies add up to the total global economy. Every action taken by consumers, businesses, and governments is a financial transaction. Private finance is used in every aspect of commercial life, from day-to-day purchases of goods and services to long-term investments like real estate. Private finance is also concerned with the profits and losses individuals or companies face when they invest. In addition, private finance is involved in every decision individuals make in their personal lives. Personal finance is the study of how people use their scarce resources to make choices regarding money, typically related to investments and needs for consumption. The need to calculate and track personal expenses, savings, business expenses, and income budgeting stems from a scarcity of resources.

Personal Finance

Personal finance is an area of study aimed at providing individuals with a financial education that will allow them to make sound financial decisions throughout their lives. Personal finance helps people avoid the pitfalls and traps of modern money management. Examples of these pitfalls include buying more homes than they can afford, credit cards, loans, and other debts. Even if someone has a high-paying job or comes from a wealthy family, the pressures of modern life can leave people in bad financial shape. Personal finance is the skills needed to survive and thrive in our increasingly complex world of money. Critical ingredients of sound financial management include knowledge of long-term goals and short-term tools, a realistic understanding of one’s values, discipline, and good habits.

What Are the 4 Types of Finance?

Corporate Finance

Corporate finance studies a company’s internal financial management, including its financial statements, regulatory compliance, and governance. Corporate finance concerns company growth, capital structure and borrowing, litigation risk, hedging strategies, and investing in oil futures or companies in emerging markets. Corporate finance is also known as corporate economics and corporate law. Corporate financial management focuses on the relationship between a company’s sources of revenue (such as sales) and its expenses (such as wages). Corporate finance also deals with a company’s risks, such as liability for product defects, lawsuits alleging false advertising, or environmental damage. Corporate finance encompasses the entire spectrum of legal problems that can arise from the behavior of corporations. The goals of corporate finance include reflecting accurate and complete financial information in publicly available documents. Corporate finance is concerned with financial management practices and techniques that help ensure the organization’s long-term financial health.


The investment world is vast and complex. Many terms may seem confusing to the average investor, but once they have become familiar with them, they will manage their financial affairs efficiently and confidently. Many of the problems that investors face are simple and easily avoidable. There is no need to go through life feeling like a victim of the financial market when in reality, the real problem is that we are too trusting of financial institutions and are simply unable to manage our affairs. Basic finance is vital to a healthy and secure future. Once you understand the basics and how they work together, you will have a solid foundation to build knowledge and move forward with confidence and security for yourself, your family, and your investments.

What Are 3 Tips for Investing?

What Are 3 Tips for Investing?

When it comes to investing, people often need help with the process. Knowing what you should do and how to stay on top of your investments is challenging as markets change significantly. Investing can be scary, and people often worry that they are doing it wrong or don’t know enough to succeed. Luckily, many resources are available if you’re looking for investing advice. Many of these resources focus on following a plan and achieving returns without taking unnecessary risks. It can be tempting to try to avoid investing as much as possible. You’re afraid that you won’t understand all of the terminologies or that you won’t know how to invest in the right way. Here are three simple tips to help make the process a little more manageable.

What Are 3 Tips for Investing?

Audit Your Finances Before You Even Start To Invest

It is essential to look at your financial history before you start investing. While it can be a bit scary to see what you’re working with, taking the time to look at a balance sheet or any other type of number system can help you better understand what you’re working with. By taking the time to look at your finances and understand them, it will be easier to set goals that align with your financial standing. Understanding these numbers also makes it easier to see how long it will take you to reach your goals, which can be a great motivator. Many financial experts argue that it is essential to do this before you even start investing. The earlier you take the time to get a good idea of what’s going on with your financial situation, the easier it will be to make intelligent decisions. In addition, have an emergency fund that you can use if things don’t work out the way you planned.

Utilize Retirement Accounts As Much As You Can

Many of us are told to put away as much money into retirement accounts as possible. These accounts are readily available and very easy to fill up. The reason is that the government wants you to save up, so they make it easy for you to put money into these accounts. To take advantage of this, ensure you understand your current tax bracket. If your tax bracket allows for your earnings and contributions to be taxed at a lower rate, you must get every dollar possible into a retirement account. Additionally, using a savings or retirement account as a place to save for a down payment or to use for emergencies can only make you feel more secure. Keep in mind that you are saving up for your future; you may want to ensure that your funds are not being spent in the present because of unexpected expenses.

Know You Don’t Have To Be An Expert

Investing can be a scary process. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you may worry that you cannot stay ahead of the game. The truth is, there is no need to worry about being an investing expert. Many resources are available, including books and websites, to help guide the way. Enlist the help of an investing pro if you are feeling overwhelmed. Understanding the basics of investing is essential, but know that you don’t have to be a master to succeed. As long as you know the basics of investing, you should be able to make intelligent decisions that will pay off for the long haul. If you don’t feel confident in your choices or are worried about making mistakes, you must seek advice from a professional. Moreover, you may want to read a few books about investing before deciding on which stocks to purchase. No matter what you choose, it is important to educate yourself about investing to increase the likelihood of success.

What Are 3 Tips for Investing?


More than anything, it is vital to remember that investing doesn’t have to be complicated. There are lots of resources that can help you out, and you should always try to stay on top of your investments and your finances as a whole. Remember, investing for the long term is important, but so is being financially responsible. It would be best if you didn’t sacrifice your savings to try and make money in the short term and always take the time to learn about what you are doing before putting your money into something. Many people find that taking the time to learn about investing increases their sense of security and confidence. However, if you need help understanding the basics, you should take the time to find an expert who can help. There are many ways to invest for the long term without having to worry about failing. So, make sure you know your options before making any decisions. Doing so will help ensure your investments go smoothly and the returns come quickly.


Charlie Huston – a Site for Readers

Read and learn here at Charlie Huston! Welcome to our readers, especially to our newbies who may not have heard of us before. Hey, do you like stories about money/finance stuff? If so, I think I have a nice series coming up for you. I cannot promise that it’s only going to be about things like investing, but because I’m pretty deep into studying this type of stuff, I can all but guarantee that I’ll be writing and posting about it.

One thing people talk a lot about these days (and which I see in a ton of other blogs), is on the topic of precious metals. If I told you how much actual gold and silver scrap I’ve been hoarding for years, you might be surprised. The problem, of course, is cashing it in.

You know all those “we buy gold” or “we buy silver” places? The issue there is that the people buying the scrap are needing to make money on it too. So, let’s say you have an ounce of gold. According to the markets today (today being November 28, 2022), gold spot is about $1,758/oz. Does that mean you can waltz down to the “we buy gold” guy and get $1,758 for your ounce? Nah… not likely.

You might be better off buying it in an actual investment account. Maybe. I don’t know your situation, so I can’t say for sure, but if you really want to cash in your gold and silver, just be prepared to settle for less than you may see on the market news channels!
